Nektan Casinos Accepting PaySafeCard

Paysafecard is a pre-payment system which enables casino players to make deposits at their favourite casino. It is the most popular pre-payment method in use today. Below is a list of nektan casino sites that accept paysafecard.

Why use a Paysafecard Casino?

The clear advantage of Paysafecard over alternative forms of pre-payment is that it can be used by absolutely anybody. Other cards need to be pre-loaded from other financial accounts such as bank current accounts or credit cards, whereas Paysafecard can be bought over the counter in real world stores, for cash. This means that customers do not need any kind of formal banking arrangements to be able to purchase Paysafecard. This is especially important in the modern world, when the ability to buy goods and services online is considered by most people to be an essential part of everyday life. Many people are unable to access official banking services. This can be for a number of reasons, such as the lack of a permanent home address, lack of a credit record, or a poor credit history such as bankruptcy or adverse County Court Judgements (CCJs). In the United Kingdom, identity checks and evidence of the right to live in the country are additional requirements. These financial regulations can present difficulties for some temporary workers, economic migrants and political asylum seekers. Paysafecard enables all these and other marginalised and disadvantaged groups to make online purchases. Another major plus point for Paysafecard is that it is available to buy just about anywhere within the United Kingdom. Wherever you are, there is likely to be a Paysafecard outlet somewhere close by. In towns and cities, big high street chains like WH Smith, Poundland and most post offices sell Paysafecard. It can also be bought from some major supermarkets like ASDA and many branches of the Co-op. Away from town and city centres, suburban areas are also likely to have a Paysafecard retailer reasonably close by. Many neighbourhood stores sell them, including chains like McColl’s and One Stop. Local newsagents and corner shops are also regular stockists, plus there are many sub-post offices which can supply them too. Even in rural areas, newsagents and convenience stores may well sell Paysafecard, along with countryside post offices. Some petrol stations are also regular stockists. All this availability from a retail distribution network of thousands of shops means that you are unlikely to be far from a Paysafecard retailer, no matter where you are in the UK. Paysafecard is not just available in the United Kingdom though. It is a worldwide service, available from well over half a million different stockists across almost fifty countries. It is also available in all the major world currencies – nearly thirty in total.

Paysafecard – How Does It Work?

Every Paysafecard has a unique 16 digit PIN number. It is this which is used at any participating online checkout to validate your payment. You can buy cards in a variety of different denominations. The minimum value is £10, but you can also buy cards for £25, £40, £50, £75 or £100 at any stockist. Higher value cards of up to £175 can be bought at special stores displaying the yellow Pay Point (PP) signs. Most post offices and many other stores are able to sell these. Paysafecard is very flexible – you can add different cards together to make larger purchases. Just add your extra 16 digit PINs at the checkout. You don’t have to spend the entire balance on your cards either. You don’t get any change from Paysafecard, but whatever is left after you have made your purchase remains on the card for you to use in a future transaction. There are no charges when buying Paysafecard. There no fees when using it to buy online goods or services either. Instead, the retailer you are buying from pays a small commission when accepting your transaction. The only time charges may apply is if the purchase you are making involves any kind of currency conversion. In these cases, a fee will be applied. This will vary according to the specific currencies involved. You can check to see what rate is applicable before you make a purchase by visiting the site and using their Currency Converter tool. It is also important to use your Paysafecard as soon as possible after purchase though. This is because a monthly service fee of £3 is applied after six months. It is also always advisable to spend the balance on the card on purchases. You can get a refund, turning the card back into cash, but this will entail an additional fee of £6. One final point to bear in mind with Paysafecard is that it must be looked after very carefully. Like cash, cards cannot be replaced if lost. Unlike cash though, remember that it is not the physical card which is important, but the unique 16 digit PIN. Do not disclose this to anyone, nor leave your card lying around where the card’s PIN may be inadvertently disclosed. This is because once the number is used once, it cannot be used again – the card itself is then valueless.